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(contains bio's of Arthur, Burns, Christy, Coxwell, Crow, Donnell, Ennis, Farrar, Francis, Funk, Hensley, Marsh, Niccolls, Thompson)
1888 - Goodspeed's History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties, Missouri Biographical Appendix
- Ackerson, John O.
- Adams, William J.
- Alderson, John A.
- Arnold, George
- Ashcroft, Lucius D.
- Aubuchon, Joseph M.
- Bage, William E.
- Bailey, Henry
- Bailey, John Martin
- Ball, John J.
- Becker, Hubert
- Bement, John W.
- Bergmeyer, Engelbert
- Bissell, Newell H.
- Blackwell, Aquilla
- Blank, William
- Boemler, Henry
- Boemler, Michael
- Bonacker, Daniel
- Bowen, Sherman W., Hon.
- Boyce, Gabriel
- Boyne, Edwin
- Brackmann, William
- Bradford, Joseph
- Brady, Henry
- Brent, Thomas G.
- Bridell, John C.
- Brierton, James
- Brooker, Joseph
- Burgess, Thomas
- Burgess, Thomas L.
- Burke, Billy
- Bush, Isidor
- Bush, Raphael
- Butler, David
- Buxton, John, Lieut.
- Buxton, William J., Capt.
- Byrd, John T.
- Byrne, M. F. Judge
- Byrne, Patrick, Judge
- Campbell, Christopher
- Cape, James P.
- Cape, John C.
- Charles, Thomas A.
- Clark, Eliza T., Mrs.
- Clarke, James W.
- Cole, John C.
- Cole, Joshua
- Cole, Lewis
- Colman, Amos L.
- Connolly, J. A., Rev.
- Cosby, Lewis T.
- Coxwell, Robert
- Crahan, Christopher J.
- Crawford, S.W.
- Crull, Amandus, Dr.
- Cunningham, Ward
- Donnell, Eli F.
- Dougherty, James P
- Douglas, J. N.
- Douglass, Henry W.
- Dover, Bonaparte
- Duffy, John
- Eisenhauer, Joseph C.
- Elders, G. W. N., M.D.
- Elkins, Richard A.
- Elliott, Matthew P.
- England, Benjamin F.
- Eshbaugh, Arthur L.
- Euler, Henry
- Faina, Vincent
- Farrar, William H.
- Feste, Eugene
- Fink, Christ.
- Fletcher, J. W., Col.
- Fletcher, Smith B.
- Foster, George R.
- Foster, John T.
- Frech, Andrew L.
- Frech, John
- Frost E. F., Hon.
- Frost, George H.
- Gamel, William A.
- Garrison, J. W.
- Goff, David D.
- Green, James F.
- Greene, Michael W.
- Guibor, Francis E., Dr.
- Gutohrel, Peter
- Guy, T.W., Hon.
- Hass, Hermann
- Hacke, Fred
- Hamel, Gust
- Hamel, Gust J.
- Hamill, Joseph H.
- Hanvy, William
- Harbison, Milton C.
- Harlow, Alonzo T.
- Harris, William H.
- Harrison, Josiah R.
- Harrison, William J.
- Haverstick, William J.
- Hemme, Charles
- Hensley, Joel M., Rev.
- Herman, Otto
- Hopson, John
- Horine, C. Thomas
- Hug, Stephen
- Hull, W. W., M.D.
- Humes, William
- Hurtgen, Henry
- Huskey, John
- James, T. A., M.D.
- Jarvis, Daniel, L.
- Jarvis, Thornton
- Jenni, Florian
- Jewett, William Sumner
- Jobgen, Henry
- Joyce, J. F.
- Karte, Charles
- Kelly, Lewis
- Kerckhoff, C. M.
- Kirk, William J., Judge
- Kleinschmidt, Charles H.
- Keinschmidt, Louis
- Kleinschmidt, William
- Knapp, Frank J.
- Kohler, Leo
- Kohler, Xavier
- Kramer, William
- Lee, Thomas J.
- Lewis, Marion M.
- Maness, William Riley
- Matheau, Louis
- Maupin, Edward B.
- Mauthe, William J.
- McClanahan, H. E., Mayor
- McClure, Rachel A., Mrs.
- McDermott, Daniel J.
- McFry, George W.
- McKee, Doctor F.
- McMahon, William J.
- McMullin, Eli J.
- McMullin, Robert W.
- McNulty, John
- Mercer, Edwin
- Meyer, Hermann
- Miller, John
- Mockbee, George M.
- Moehlmann, Henry
- Moore, Robert C.
- Morgan, Robert G.
- Moss, James T.
- Moss, Thomas E.
- Mummert, Adam F.
- Munro, Norman B.
- Munroe, O. M.
- Naucke, Fritz
- Neale, George F.
- Nelson, John J.
- Nenzel, John
- Newcomb, Carman Adams, Hon.
- Niccolls, William T.
- North, Joseph W.
- O'Fallon, Clarence C.
- O'Fallon, John
- Ostertag, Michael
- Park, Daniel M.
- Pecaut, Adolph
- Rathbun, G. R.
- Rauschenbach, Otto
- Reppy, Burrell S.
- Reutlinger, Solomon
- Richardson, Booker
- Richardson, Skelton
- Roberts, Henry
- Roberts, M.
- Rohlfing, Otto
- Rogge, Louis
- Rowe, William J.
- Rozier, Louis J.
- Sappington, Wallace L., Dr.
- Scheivers, William
- Schmidt, Henry S.
- Seckman, Henry, Judge
- Shearlock, Richard C.
- Slawon, Nathan
- Smith, Thomas
- Spitz, Romain
- Steinman, P.
- Theobald, John
- Thomas, William H. H.
- Tilden, Charles, B., Capt.
- Travis, David Q.
- Tully, John W.
- Vaughn, Charles Frank
- Veazey, Daniel B.
- Vinyard, Alfred
- Waggener, J. E.
- Waldron, Charles
- Walker, Leonidas R.
- Walker, William H.
- Wappler, H. Frederick
- Washburn, William H.
- Waters, Freeman D.
- Weaver, John L.
- Welch, Thomas
- Wenom, John
- Wiley, S. S.
- Williams Charles, Dr.
- Williams, Ephraim
- William, Falkland H.
- Williams, Joseph J.
- Williams, Thomas A.
- Williams, Thomas L.
- Williams, William F.
- Wilson, James H.
- Wilson, James J.
- Wilson, John M.
- Wilson, John William
- Ziegler, Alexander, Capt.
- Zimpfer, Martin