Jefferson County Historical Society

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Richard C. Shearlock, a boot and shoemaker, of Festus, was born in 
Kaskaskia, Ill., on October 26, 1833, and is the eldest of the ten
children born to Timothy H. and Peliga (Montroy) Shearlock, who were
of Irish and French descent, respectively.  Richard C. received a 
limited common school education, and spent his life with his parents
until his twenty-first year, during which time he learned the 
shoemaker's trade with his father, who carried on a tannery business 
in connection with manufacturing boots and shoes. From home, Richard 
C. went to Sparta, Ill., where he engaged in manufacturing three 
years, and the following three years drove a team to and from St.
Louis.  August 1, 1855, he married Mrs. Mary E. Bartell, who died in
August, 1860, the mother of one child, also deceased.  Mr. Shearlock
is now living with his second wife, whose maiden name was Virginia
Montreville, to whom he was married June 14, 1863.  This marriage 
was blessed with the following children:  Henry A., Robert C., 
Richard T., Mary E., William, one infant unnamed, and Florence, all 
of whom are deceased but the eldest and youngest.  After leaving 
Sparta Mr. Shearlock returned to his home on account of his father's 
death; he remained with his mother for about one year, and has since 
been engaged in various pursuits in different places.  In 1881 he 
located in Festus and re-engaged in the manufacture of boots and shoes,
which he has continued up to the present time.  Mr. Shearlock is a
member of the I. O. G. T., and with his wife holds membership in the
Presbyterian Church.  In political faith he is a Democrat.