Jefferson County Historical Society

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Henry Bailey, one of the pioneer farmers of Plattin Township, where he
was born in 1823, is the second of six sons and three daughters born to
Henry and Barbara (Drybread) Bailey.  The father was born near Breed's
Hill, Boston, Mass., in 1800, but in infancy went with his parents to
Marietta, Ohio, where he was mostly reared.  His father, Seth Bailey,
was of the old Puritan New England stock, and died in Marietta, Ohio, 
when Henry, St., was but a boy.  The The latter at the age of eighteen
came with his brother-in-law, Elijah Butler, down the Ohio River in a
keel boat, up the Mississippi River to Ste. Genevieve, and at once came
to Jefferson County. He settled upon the land on which Henry now resides.
He was married in 1819, after coming to Jefferson County, and settled at
the head of Isle De Bois, in Ste. Genevieve County, but soon after crossed
Dover Creek to Jefferson County, where he died in 1873, after being a 
resident of the place for fifty-five years.  He improved a good farm,
reared an industrious family, and was an esteemed and useful citizen. 
Both parents were members of high standing in the Baptist Church.  
The mother was perhaps born in Ste. Genevieve County in 1801, and died in
1852. Her parents were of Dutch extraction, and were among the pioneers of
Missouri.  Henry remained at home until of age, and attended the country
subscription schools about three months each year. This would not have
amounted to much had he not spent considerable time in self study, and 
thereby become a fair scholar.  July 4, 1844 he married Miss Sarah Ann,
daughter of J. C. and Cynthia Ann Renfro. She died in 1858 leaving three
children: Evaline (wife of George W. Thompson), Josephus, and Cynthia Ann
(wife of James T. Brooks). June 13, 1861 Mr. Bailey married Miss Emaline,
daughter of Joshua and Jane Cole,and to them were born six children: 
Johnson C., Jennie B. (wife of William Warford, of Bates County), Henry J.,
Sallie, Zollie and Sterling. Mr. Bailey settled on his present farm in 1845,
and has since made that his home. It consists of 320 acres, 100 of which is
under cultivation. He received 120 acres from his father, and the rest are
the result of his own exertions. He is a hard working, industrious citizen,
and has taken a deep interest in the schools, and all public enterprises, 
was elected to the office of justice of the peace, but could not serve. 
He was in favor of the Union during the late war, although his sympathies
were with the South. Politically, he was reared a Whig, and his first 
presidential vote was for Clay, in 1844. Since the dissolution of the Whig
party he has been a Democrat. He has voted at every presidential election
since attaining his majority, but for but two successful candidates, Taylor
and Cleveland. He and wife are consistent members of the Baptist Church.