Jefferson County Historical Society

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William H. Walker, dairyman and merchant, of De Soto, was born in Jefferson 
County, Mo., in 1839, and is a son of William G. and Elizabeth (Null) Walker.  
William G. Walker, a native of Tennessee, and of Scotch descent, came to 
Jefferson County, Mo., on horseback when twenty-one years of age; he entered 
640 acres of land in Valle Township, three and one-half miles southeast of 
De Soto, and in connection with farming was engaged in merchandising on his 
farm; he sold goods four years, and in 1857 sold out to Hamilton Reppy, who 
moved the store to De Soto, in which place he was the first merchant.  Mrs. 
Elizabeth Walker was a daughter of William Null, and died in 1860. In a 
family of nine children, William H. was the first child.  He was reared on 
a farm, which occupation he followed until 1883; he owned 120 acres south 
of the old homestead, which he sold, and established a dairy in De Soto.  
The latter he has since successfully conducted, and keeps on an average 
twenty cows.  In November, 1887, he engaged in merchandising in connection 
with his dairy business.  In October, 1858, he married Miss Adeline, 
daughter of Robert McMullen, who was one of the pioneers of Jefferson County.  
Mrs. Walker was born in Jefferson County in 1839.  To Mr. and Mrs. Walker 
nine children have been born, viz.: Cora, wife of George Cape; Ella, wife of 
John Hultz; Haddie, Mary, Katie, Georgia, Willie, Nellie and John.  Mr. 
Walker served as alderman of De Soto three and one-half years, and as mayor 
six months.  He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.  In 
politics, he is a Democrat.