Jefferson County Historical Society

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John Miller was born in Schwerin, Mecklenburg, Germany, December 19, 1833.  
He was educated in the common schools of his native country, and was reared 
to the occupation of a miller, serving his time with an uncle, a brother of 
his mother.  He remained at home until he was fourteen years of age. August 
9, 1865, he was joined in marriage to Sophia Sangabusch, and of the nine 
children born to them three, Minnie, Emma and an infant unnamed, are deceased.  
Those living are: Bertha, born November 15, 1867; Jessie, born June 12, 1870; 
Willie, born October 11, 1872; Sophia, born November 16, 1877; Lizzie, born 
December 25, 1879; and Alvina, born May 21, 1885.  Mrs. Miller died August 17, 
1886 aged forty-four years, seven months and fourteen days.  Mr. Miller came to
America in 1867, and upon his arrival made his way with his family direct to 
St. Louis where he secured employment in a mill and remained about eighteen 
months.  He then moved to Jefferson County, and was employed as a farm hand 
for three years; he subsequently rented the farm on which he now resides, and 
in 1880 purchased the same, paying $1,400 for it.  The farm contains eighty 
acres, and is in a good state of cultivation.  He is a member of the American 
Legion of Honor, and Hermann Sons of Kimmswick, a German organization.  He is 
a Democrat. Mr. Miller was reared in the Lutheran Church, of which faith his 
family are adherents.