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Isidor Bush, of the firm of Bush & Son & Meissner, was born in Prague, Austria, January 7, 1822. He was reared to the printing business by his father, in which he continued for several years. His education was limited until his eighteenth year, after which he was instructed by private teachers. On account of his liberal views of a political nature he was forced to flee from his native country, and sought refuge in America, landing in New York in 1849. Here he established a retail news stand, which not proving profitable, after one year he went to St. Louis, via the lakes and canals, making the trip in ten days. After having given his attention to the business of a general store in St. Louis for a few years, in connection with Mr. Taussig, he removed to Carondelet and continued the same business until 1857. After several other engagements in the mercantile business in St. Louis he became general ticket agent of the Iron Mountain Railway, which position he held until 1867. In 1865 he purchased a tract of land consisting of 260 acres, of James Foster and the State Savings Bank Association, and immediately engaged in the cultivation of fruits. His business rapidly developed, and has reached mammoth proportions, being now carried on under the firm name of Bush & Son & Meissner. Mr. Bush was a member of the conventions of 1861 and 1865 (see State History), which opposed the secession of the State of Missouri, and has otherwise been prominently identified with the leading men of the State, having been elected to a seat in the State Legislature, occupied a position in the city council of St. Louis, and served as president and secretary of the board of immigration. His marriage to Miss Theresa Taussig occurred May 7, 1844 in their native country. They are the parents of one child, Raphael, born January 7, 1845.