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John Martin Bailey, a pioneer farmer and stock raiser of Jefferson County, Mo., was born in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., in 1820. He is the eldest of seven sons and three daughters born to Henry and Barbara (Drybread) Bailey. Henry Bailey was born not far from Breed's Hill, near Boston, Mass., in 1800. John M. was educated in the old fashioned
log schoolhouse of early days, the majority of his teachers being of
Irish or German nativity, and who believed that "sparing the rod would spoil the child." He remained at home until about twenty-six years of age, and then married Mrs. Nancy Donnell, daughter of Jonathan
Strickland, who came to Jefferson County in 1811. Mrs. Bailey died in
1858, and in 1860 he married Mrs. Caroline Burgess, daughter of Lucius
and Jeanette Hollensbeck, who removed from Virginia to Missouri about
1840. rs. Bailey was born in the "Old Dominion." Mr. Bailey owns
about 200 acres of good land at Bailey Station, all of which he has
earned by his own honest labor. He experienced many hardships incident
to the life of a poor boy, but succeeded in overcoming them. He makes
a specialty of raising Jersey cattle, and was for many years a breeder
of short-horned cattle. Since 1860 he has been a Democrat, and a Master
Mason since 1857. He and wife are prominent members of the Presbyterian Church.