Jefferson County Historical Society

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Xavier Kohler, farmer and stock raiser, of Rock Township, was born in
Baden, Germany, January 1, 1841, and is the eldest of three sons born
to Sebastian and Mary Ann (Riebold) Kohler. (For further particulars of
parents see sketch of Leo Kohler).  Xavier was reared principally by
Judge Yerger, and received his education in the common schools by his
own efforts.  He remained at home until October 19, 1861, when he en-
listed in Company B of Stewart's Cavalry for three years, but in January, 
of the following year, was transferred to Company I, Forty-third
Illinois Volunteer Infantry.  In February he left for the South, and 
was initiated at Shiloh.  He remained in West Tennessee, and North
Mississippi, in the sixteenth corps, until the summer of 1863, when 
that corps was ordered South, and was at Haines Bluff at the fall of
Vicksburg.  Mr. Kohler was transferred to the seventh corps, under Gen.
Steele, in the Trans-Mississippi department, was at Jenkin's Ferry, and 
also participated in many minor skirmishes.  He served about two months
over the time of his enlistment, being discharged at Cairo, Ill., in
December, 1864.  He then returned home and remained on the farm until
1869, at which date he married Mrs. Mary Westerreck, widow of Henry
Westerreck, and the daughter of William Freding, who was at the battle
of Leipsic, where he met his death.  Her mother, Minnie Freding, came
to Missouri in 1847, and afterward to Jefferson County, where she died
in 1881, aged eighty-three.  Mrs. Kohler is the mother of four children
by her first marriage, and four by her last.  The last children are:
Apollonia, Anton, Anselm and Bertha.  Since his marriage Mr. Kohler has
lived on his present farm of 170 acres, situated three miles north of
Antonia.  He is a Mason, and in his political views is a Republican,
casting his first presidential vote for Lincoln in 1864.