Jefferson County Historical Society

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Mayor H. E. McClanahan, of Festus, Jefferson County, is a native of
Ste. Genevieve County, and was born January 31, 1837.  His father,
Madison McClanahan, of Scotch descent, was a native of the same county,
where he spent his entire life; he married Miss Virginia Frazier, of
French descent, and to them several children were born, four of whom
grew to manhood and womanhood.  At this writing the mother is still
living on the old homestead, in Jackson Township, Ste. Genevieve County.  
H. E. McClanahan received a common school education, and was reared on a 
farm, to which occupation he gave his undivided attention until 1881, 
when he located in the town in which he now resides.  He married Miss 
Martha A. Jennings, a native of the same locality as himself, the event 
being solemnized November 3, 1869.  This marriage was blessed by the birth 
of nine children, four of whom are deceased, viz.: Elvey E., Ida, an 
infant unnamed and Chester.  Those living are: Signor V., Gracie, Luther 
B., Jessie M. and Minnie P. Since locating in Festus Mr. McClanahan has 
been representing the Klausman Brewing Company, of St. Louis, as local 
distributing agent.  In the corporation election of 1877 he was elected to 
the office of mayor of the town of Festus.  In matters political he is an 
independent Democrat, preferring to vote for the man in preference to party 