Jefferson County Historical Society

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Engelbert Bergmeyer, Jr., justice of the peace, farmer and mechanic, of
Rock Township, was born in Baden, Germany, in 1848 and is the only 
surviving child of Engelbert and Wilhelmina (Ihli) Bergmeyer, who came to
the United States about 1850, and remained for about two years in St.
Louis, where the mother died the first year.  The family then came to
Jefferson County, and settled near where Antonia now is, and here the
father passed the remainder of his life.  He was a farmer, and was 
three times married.  He served about six years in the German army, and
in 1848 and 1849 was in the war between Denmark and Germany.  He was 
one of the first and enterprising settlers of the vicinity of Antonia,
and died about 1883, at the age of sixty-three.  Engelbert was but four
years old when he came to Jefferson County, and here he was reared, 
with a common school education.  He remained at home until 1871, after
which for several years, he worked at the carpenter's trade, but since
that time has devoted his time exclusively to agricultural pursuits. In
1873 he married Miss Caroline, daughter of Ambrose and Cordula Freidmann,
who were among the earliest German settlers of Jefferson County.
The mother died in 1863, but the father is still living.  They came to 
the United States in 1844, and after spending two years on an island
in the Missouri River, near Washington, came to Jefferson County, where
he has since resided, near Antonia.  The following eleven children were
born to Mr. Bergmeyer's marriage, viz.: Mary and Edward (twins), William,
Emily, Katie, Mina, Rosa and Cora (twins), Walter and Matilda and Thomas 
twins). The first three are deceased. Since 1875 Mr. Bergmeyer has resided
on his present farm, situated one mile south of Antonia, on the Rock road,
where he has forty acres, which he has improved, and made a good and 
comfortable home. Since 1884 he has been justice of the peace, being first
appointed to fill a vacancy, and has held that position ever since.  A 
Republican in his political views, his first presidential vote was cast of 
U. S. Grant, in 1872.  He is a member of the Sons of Hermann, and is an 
active worker for the cause of education. He has been school director for
many years, and is an honest, industrious citizen.