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John Frech, dealer in groceries and provisions, De Soto, was born in St. Louis, Mo., June 20, 1849 and is a son of Conrad and Catherine (Mahn) Frech, the former a native of Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, who came to the United States in 1846, and settled in Jefferson County, Mo., in 1855. John Frech was reared on the farm, and received his education in the common schools of the county and the De Soto Seminary. When seven- teen years of age, he went to St. Louis, where he learned the carpenter's
trade, which he followed ten years. He established his present business
in 1880, and carries a full line of groceries, provisions, glassware,
etc., and deals largely in produce; he has a capital stock amounting to
$3,000 and does an annual business of $18,000, second in the town in his
line. September 30, 1875 he married Hattie M. Springer daughter of
Charles Springer, of Council Grove, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. Frech are the
parents of four children: Gustave A., Conrad C., John E., and Mary K.
Mr. Frech is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and in religion
affiliates with the Methodist Church. He has been connected with the
City Council for six years, and is a member at the present time.