Jefferson County Historical Society

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David Butler was born in Warwickshire, England in 1828, and is a son
of John and Sarah (Buckley) Butler, the latter dying when our subject
was about five years of age.  David was reared by an uncle on a farm,
and received but little schooling. In 1851 he was united in marriage
to Sarah Etheridge, who was born in Staffordshire, England, and by her
became the father of five children: Sarah, Thomas (who is residing in
England), Eleanor, Annie and Frederick.  At the age of seventeen, Mr.
Butler began working in the furnace department of the Birmingham
(England) Plate Glass Works, serving in that capacity until 1877, when
he came to the United States in response to a call from Mr. Neale, the
present superintendent of the Plate Glass Company, of Crystal City,
with whom he formerly worked in England.  He has since worked in the
furnace department, and is a man well liked by his fellow workmen.  He
is an earnest advocate for education, and is conservative in politics.
He belongs to the American Legion of Honor, and is a charter member of
the lodge at Crystal City.  He is a member of the Wesleyan Church in