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Josiah R. Harrison, who is numbered among the prominent farmers and stock raisers of Big River Township, was born in Valle Township, Jefferson
Co., Mo., in 1835, and is the son of George W. and Jemima (Null)Harrison.
The father was born in Georgia in 1807, but when a boy came to Jefferson
County, where he was married in 1831, and where he made his future home.
He was one of the leading farmers, stock raisers and land holders of the
county. The last few years of his life he was engaged in merchandising.
He died in 1855. The mother was born in Jefferson County in 1813, and
died in 1859. She was a daughter of William J. and Dorotha Ann Null, who
were among the first to settle in the county. Joseph R. was reared at
home and received very meager educational advantages. In 1861 he married
Miss L. A., daughter of Leander W. and Nancy Pinson, pioneers of Washington
County. They moved to Jefferson County, and here Mrs. Harrison was born in
1845. To Mr. Harrison and wife were born three children: Paulina E., wife
of William J. McFry; George W., of California, and John A., who died in
1884, at the age of thirteen. Mr. Harrison remained on his father's old farm until 1864, when he located on Big River, near Morse's Mill, where he has a
fine farm of 321 acres, a large portion being choice bottom lands. He
inherited about $700 from his father's estate, but the balance has been
accumulated by his own industry. Politically a Democrat, he cast his first
presidential vote for John Bell, in 1860. Mrs. Harrison has been a member
of the Baptist Church since her youth, as were also her parents.