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Stephen Hug was born December 24, 1829, in Alsace, France, and is one 
of four children born to Antone and Marianna (Kuhn) Hug, whose other
children were Madeline L., who died in Paris, France, in 1863; Josephina, 
a resident of Alsace, and John Baptiste, who died in Alsace at the age 
of eleven.  Stephen Hug was educated in the schools of his native country, 
in which both the French and German languages were taught.  At the age of 
twenty-one he was drafted in the French army and was sent to Africa, where 
for two years he served in the Third Regiment of Zouaves in Constantina.  
From here he embarked for Gallipoli, Turkey, in the war vessel "Gemap," 
and while en route traversed the Mediterranean Sea and the Dardanelles; 
there they "broke camp" and passed behind Adrinopel.  Two days afterward, 
while on the march, they were overtaken by the dread disease, cholera and 
within forty eight hours 374 soldiers and 110 officers lost their lives.  
They were then countermarched to Adrinopel and taken the route to Varna, 
crossed the Black Sea to Eupatoria, where, on the following day, they were 
engaged in the battle of Alma, for which their chief commander, Gen. St. 
Arneaut, took with him to the field one-half of each company of the whole army, 
holding the remainder in reserve on vessels.  The battle lasted six hours and 
resulted in the defeat of the Russian army.  The Russian general, Gen. 
Menchiekoff, general-in-chief of the Russian army brought his family to witness 
the repulse of the French and English army, boasting that he would drive them 
to the sea, but the honors were awarded to Gen. St. Arneaut and his noble 
warriors.  On the second day following the latter general called a halt, 
ordered his men from the front to the rear, and placed his command in charge 
of Gen. Canrobert, telling him to take Sebastopol as soon as possible with 
the force he had, and in short time he was dead.  For the services of Mr. Hug 
in these campaigns a medal was awarded him by Queen Victoria, on which were 
inscribed the following battles: Battle of Alma, Balaklava, Tcharnaia and 
Sebastopol.  After the latter battle he returned home.  In 1860 he immigrated 
to America, arriving in New York March 4, and from there went to Pittsburgh, 
where he secured employment in a dry goods store, remaining three months.  
He then traveled westward, locating in Carondelet, Mo., where he was engaged 
in various pursuits.  From there he removed to Kennett's Castle, and leased 
a farm for ten years, but after five years' stay bought the Cornish Island, 
in 1869, which he farmed for seven years.  In 1875 he purchased the farm on 
which he now resides, which consists of 266 acres of land, all well improved 
and in a high state of cultivation.  September 16, 1851, he married Miss
Theresa Maurer, in their native city, Alsace, France.  They are the parents 
of two children: Maria Theresa, born September 1, 1852, now the wife of W. 
Wittler, of St. Louis, was married in October, 1875, and has one child, 
William S., born in August, 1876; and Justine M., wife of Thomas L. Burgess, 
of Crystal City, and they have one child, Tom B. Burgess, born November 17, 
1886.  Mr. Hug is a member of the America Legion of Honor, of which he was 
treasurer for a number of years.  He and wife are members of the Catholic 
Church.  In political matters he is a Democrat.  He served three years in 
the First Missouri Regiment Volunteer Infantry, under Col. Blair, and was 
wounded twice at the battle of Wilson's Creek.  He is now engaged in farming 
in connection with which he conducts a butcher shop.