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John William Wilson was born in Valle Township, Jefferson County, July 8, 1835. His father, David Wilson, a native of Virginia, removed to Jefferson County, Mo., in 1834, and settled where our subject now resides;
he married Annie Vineyard, and of the nine children born to them, seven
are living, viz.: Martha (Politte), Mary (Stoops), Sarah (Buchanan), John
William, Susan (Perry), Adell (Lepp) and James H. David Wilson died in
1855. John William Wilson went overland to California in 1852, driving
an ox team most of the way. He herded stock nine months, and then drove
a stage from Sacramento to Mormon Island for William McCombs five months;
he next engaged in mining gold at "Nigger Hill" for some time, and also
at various other places in the State. Returning home in the fall of 1856,
he settled on the old homestead and engaged in farming and stock raising,
owning a three-sevenths interest in 395 acres. He was engaged in the
butchering business in De Soto from 1865 to 1867. August 1, 1866, Mr.
Wilson married Aurelia Soufflot, daughter of Augustin Soufflot (deceased). Mrs. Wilson was born in Etampes, France, near Paris. Six children were
born to this union, five of whom are living, viz.: Charles, Annie, Blanche,
Frank and Eugene M.