Jefferson County Historical Society

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Robert C. Moore, farmer and dairyman of Joachim Township, was born on
the Isle of Man, in 1849, the son of Robert and Ann (Carine) Moore,
natives of the same place, where they lived until about 1855, at which
date they came to New Orleans.  The father was born February 13, 1820
and died January 15, 1886.  The mother was born March 14, 1817 and 
died May 2, 1885.  They were married about 1845, and after staying in
New Orleans for a short time came to St. Louis, where they remained 
for about one year.  They then moved to Jefferson County, lived in 
Plattin Township for fourteen months, and then returned to St. Louis;
but in August, 1861, again came to Jefferson County, located two miles
from Selma, and in 1872 settled just north of Festus, where they spent
the balance of their days.  Before coming to the United States Mr.Moore 
followed the sea, and for some years worked various mines in Missouri; 
but the later years of his life were spent engaged in agricultural 
pursuits.  During the war he was assistant steward of the Good Samaritan 
Hospital, at St. Louis.  Both parents were Methodists for many years, but 
the latter part of his life Mr. Moore was a Presbyterian.  hey were the 
parents of six children, only two now living: Annie, wife of William 
Kerruish, foreman and carpenter at Crystal City Plate Glass Works, and 
Robert C.  The latter was educated in the common schools, and by his own 
efforts graduated from the Jones' Commercial College, at St. Louis.  He 
began life as a farmer, but afterward clerked for about eighteen months 
at Crystal City.  The latter business did not agree with him, and he was 
obliged to abandon it and take a trip through Colorado for his health, 
which was greatly benefited by the change.  March 20, 1884, he married 
Miss Hattie Morton a native of Orange County, N. Y., born in 1856, and 
the daughter of Harvey R. and Margaret Morton, natives also of New York.  
Mr. Morton was then engaged in business in Indiana, whither the family 
came about 1857, and where they lived until 1872.  They then removed to 
Iron Co., Mo., and the next year to Jefferson County, where they still 
live, in Joachim Township.  Mr. Morton followed whale fishing from the 
age of fifteen to the age of thirty, but since coming to Jefferson County 
he has engaged in agricultural pursuits. The result of Mr. Moore's marriage 
was the birth of two children: Robert Harvey and Eveylin. Since his marriage 
Mr. Moore has lived on the old farm, which consists of sixty-eight acres.  
Since November, 1886, he has been engaged in the dairy business, and has met 
with success.  In 1886 he was Republican candidate for county clerk, but was 
defeated by only twenty one votes, owing to a heavy Democratic majority in 
the county for years.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and American 
Legion of Honor, and is a charter member of the Crystal City Council.  He and 
wife are members of the Presbyterian Church and are worthy and esteemed citizens 
of the county.