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Fritz Naucke, a native of Birnbaum, Germany, was born November 4, 1837. He received a common school education and attended the Meseritz Seminary
six years. He was reared a farmer, to which occupation he gave his attention, in the capacity of supervisor or general superintendent, for a nobleman in Germany, ten years. In 1859 he was drafted for service in the German army, and participated in the wars with Austria and France, receiving a lance wound in the left leg, in 1866; he was in the service of his country nearly two years. In 1871 he came to America on a hunting expedition, and, being pleased with the country, returned to "the fatherland" and procured sufficient means with which to secure him a home in America. In March, 1872, he again came to this country and purchased the farm on which he now resides, consisting of 120 acres situated on Section 30, Joachim Township, for which he paid $6,000 in cash; the farm is in a good state of cultivation and substantially
improved. He was married October 5, 1873, to Miss Minnie Huber, a native of Jefferson County. Of the seven children born to them, Minnie, Clara, Eddie, Augusta and Alma are living and Fritz and Eddie are deceased. Mr. Naucke is a member of the American Legion of Honor and holds his membership at Crystal City. He votes the Democratic ticket, and is a highly respected and enterprising farmer. The family are members of the Lutheran Church.