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W. W. Hull, M. D., a successful physician and surgeon, of Sulphur Springs Landing, is a native of Union County, Ky., born in 1855, and the fourth of eight children born to Dr. James and Mary (Simpson) Hull. The father was born at Indianapolis, Ind., in 1821, where he was reared and educated. He graduated from the medical institutiion of that place and soon after went to Caseyville, Ky., where he was married, and where he practiced his profession successfully until about 1858. He then
removed to near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, Mo., his children being educated at the county seat, Cape Girardeau. Here he practiced his profession until 1870, when he removed to Fenton, St. Louis County, and in 1887 removed to Moselle, Franklin County, where he is at present
engaged in the drug business, in connection with his practice, at which he has been remarkably successful for nearly forty years, during which time he has made several fortunes. Prior to the war he was a heavy slave holder, which proved a great loss by emancipation; but he did not dispair, and is today, probably, worth $10,000. During the war his sympathies were with the South, but he was far from being aggressive. He is a son of James Hull, a native of Marion County, Ind., where he (James) lived all his life, engaged in farming. He reared a family of seven children, all of whom received a handsome competency from his estate. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, being in the battle of Chippewa Falls, where he became seperated from a brother, William, whom he never heard of afterward. He was of German-English origin. The mother of young Hull was of Scotch-Irish descent, born in Union County, Ky., and is now about sixty-three years of age. She is the daughter of Col. Vincent B. Simpson, who was born in Fairfax County, Va., (now Fairfax Court House), of a very aristocratic Scotch family, and when he left his home for Kentucky his father gave him forty negroes. He was a colonel in the regular army, and took an active part in various early Indian Wars. Both father and mother of our subject have been for many years prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and are among the best families of Northeast Missouri. The Doctor was reared at home and received a good high school education at Cape
Girardeau; at the age of nineteen he began the study of medicine with
his father, and after two years at the Missouri Medical College, at St. Louis, graduated in the class of 1875. He then located at Sulphur Springs, where he soon became popular, and is one of the foremost and successful practitioners of Jefferson County. He was married April 10, 1882, to Miss Lillie, daughter of Thomas and Caroline Burgess, who are still living at Sulphur Springs. Mr. Burgess is a native of Rock
Township, of which his father was one of the first settlers. To the
marriage of the Doctor were born four children: Earl W., Minnie, Wallace and an infant. Although an active politician, the Doctor has never aspired for office. He is a Democrat, and an earnest worker for the cause of education, and for general upbuilding of the community. He has,
for several years, been town trustee.