Jefferson County Historical Society

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George F. Neale, manager of the Crystal Plate Glass Company, is a 
native of Birmingham, England, and was born January 18, 1841.  He
immigrated to America in March, 1863, and located in Boston, Mass.,
where he was a member of the firm of Tuttle, Garfield & Co., glass
manufacturers.  His stay in Boston was prolonged for four years, 
when he went to Lenox, Mass., and assumed the general management of
the Lenox Plate Glass Works, which position he retained for a period
of four years.  After this his services were rendered in behalf of
the world renowned engineer, Sir. charles Siemans.  His next engagement 
was with Messrs. Chance Bros. & Co., the reputable glass manufacturers 
of his native city, Birmingham, England.  This establishment was under 
his management until the fall of 1876, and at the reorganization of the 
Crystal Plate Glass Company, of Crystal City, Mo., in March, 1877 he was 
placed in charge of their entire business, and is now the general manager 
of the same; information and statistics concerning which will be found in 
full in the historical portion of this work.  It may be truthfully stated 
here that the unbounded success of this company is mainly due to the 
untiring energy of Mr. Neale in its behalf.  The output of this 
establishment during the first year of its existence was but 60,000 and 
that of the year 1887 over 1,500,000.  A comparison will show the 
magnitude of this creditable enterprise; especially is this true when the 
fact is taken into consideration that the company who originated the plant 
were losers to the extent of several hundred thousand dollars during their 
existence.  New casting halls and furnaces, with the necessary appliances, 
have been completed and are now in operation, increasing the capacity at 
least 25 per cent. Mr. Neale was united in marriage to Miss M. Adelaide 
Stetson, the event being solemnized on the 3rd of October, 1866.  Mrs. 
Neale is a native of Boston, Mass., and is of American ancestry.  Of the 
five children born to this union, only three are living, viz.: Mary H., 
Alice K. and L. Irving.  The deceased were George S. and Florence.  Mr. 
Neale is a member of the Masonic fraternity, with membership in St. Omer 
Commandery, of Boston; he took the Knight Templar's degree in 1866. He now
occupies the dignified position of Deputy Grand Commander of the Legion
of Honor for the State of Missouri.  The family are members of the Unitarian 
Church.  November 13, 1884, a commission was issued by the postmaster 
general of the United States, creating Mr. Neale postmaster of Crystal City, 
which position he has since filled to the satisfaction of all and with 
credit to himself, notwithstanding he is a Republican.