Jefferson County Historical Society

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Dr. Francis E. Guibor, a practicing physician and surgeon, also general
merchant, House's Springs, is a native of Pike County, Ill., born in 
the year 1851, and is the son of Francis E. and Elizabeth (Bailey) Guibor, 
natives of St. Louis, born in 1824 and 1826, respectively.  They were 
married in 1846, and soon after removed to Pike County, Ill. After
moving around and living in various parts of Missouri and Illinois, 
they removed to Jefferson County in 1866, where they have since lived.
The father was a farmer and carpenter, and for some time was merchant 
at Cedar Hill, where he was also postmaster.  He is of French descent,
and a son of Francis Guibor, native of Canada, but who was one of the
early settlers of St. Louis.  He was the brother of Capt. Henry Guibor,
who served under Gen. Price, in the Confederate army, and commanded the
famous Guibor Battery.  The Doctor received his literary education at
the "Christian Brothers' College, of St. Louis, and graduated from the
Missouri Medical College, in 1871.  He commenced practicing in Jefferson 
County, and in 1872 removed to House's Springs, where he soon established 
an extensive and lucrative practice, now being by far the oldest and most 
experienced practitioner of the place.  He also engaged in merchandising, 
at which he has been quite successful.  He is a Democrat in politics, his 
first presidential vote being for Horace Greeley, in 1872.  He and family 
are members of the Catholic Church.  In March, 1870, he wedded Miss Minerva 
E., daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Jones early settlers of Jefferson 
County, where Mrs. Guibor was born.  The fruits of this union were eight 
children, five now living: Susan E., Julia F., Gertrude M., Blanche and Ada M.