Jefferson County Historical Society

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Adam F. Mummert, foreman of the roundhouse of the Missouri Division of
the Iron Mountain Railroad, De Soto, was born in Carondelet, St. Louis
Co., Mo., August 21, 1846.  His father, Jacob Mummert, a carpenter by
trade, was a native of Alsace, France, and when twelve years of age 
came with his parents to the United States, settling in Monroe County,
Ill.  Adam F. Mummert was reared in his native county, and received his
education at Carondelet, under the preceptorship of Prof. Hamilton Michaue, 
a Frenchman, and Prof. V. B. S. Reber.  In early life he assisted his 
father at the carpenter's trade, and for some time was engaged as a
clerk in grocery stores, being employed, first by Mr. Provost, second,
Jacob Peters, and third, Patt Cunningham, all of Carondelet, and then
as clerk for W. C. Plass, in the hardware business.  He next entered 
the shops of the Iron Mountain Railroad in St. Louis, under Master 
Mechanics John Hewitt and O. A. Haynes, the former of whom is now on the 
Wabash Railroad, and the latter inspector of locomotives and machinery 
of the Gould System.  Mr. Mummert served an apprenticeship of six years 
in the shops at Carondelet, and after completing the trade, in 1868 took 
charge of two engines on the Arkansas Division of the Iron Mountain 
Railroad, where he remained until 1874, under the direction of Leonard 
Findley, Master Mechanic, he was foreman while erecting the shops at 
Baring Cross, and then returned to Carondelet, where he was employed as 
night foreman in the roundhouse until 1880, when he accepted his present 
position of day foreman of the De Soto roundhouse, under W. H. Harris.  
March 8, 1880 Mr. Mummert married Lena, daughter of George Mummert, of 
Clifton, Ohio, and their one child is deceased.  Mr. Mummert is president 
of the W. C. T. U., and, with her husband, is a member of the Episcopal 
Church.  Both are members of Chosen Friends, Council No. 10.