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Edward B. Maupin, farmer and stock raiser, was born two and a half miles north of High Ridge in 1845. He is the second of a family of four children born to John W. and Ann (Byrnes) Maupin. The former was born in Albemarle County, Va., October 30, 1817, and when about nine years of age moved with his father, Charles Wesley Maupin, to St. Louis County, where the latter settled and where he remained until 1834, when he removed to Jefferson County, locating six miles northeast of Hillsboro. Here he died in 1842. He was of French origin, and a native of Albermarle County, Va. John W. received very meager educational advantages, not having attended school more than nine days altogether. He learned to read and write by the light
of the old time fireplace, and became familiar with all ordinary
arithmetical problems. He was married in 1843, and settled near High
Ridge, but removed to St. Louis County and from there to Jefferson
County in 1860. From the beginning of the war his sympathies were
with the South, and he took an active part in recruiting and piloting
men to the South. On the night of the 27th of July, 1862, he was
captured with several others, and taken to Alton, Ill., where he was
held prisoner for about nine months. He was then exchanged, and joined
the Confederate army at Vicksburg, where he surrendered with the army.
He was soon after exchanged and went to Richmond, Va., where he was
consigned to the Western Department, and served during the remainder
of the war under Gen. Price, with whom he surrendered. He did not
return home until August, 1866, and died on the 26th of the same month
of cholera. He had been a man of considerable means, but through the
ravages of war was left almost penniless. He was a liberal supporter
of all public enterprises, and was a man esteemed by all. The mother
was born in Meramec Township, and died in 1853. She was a member of
the Baptist Church. Edward B. remained with his father until the
breaking out of the late war, when he began for himself as a farm hand.
This he continued until 1866, when he married Miss Ann, daughter of
Isaac T. and Margaret Smith. Mr. Smith was formerly of Indiana, but
when a boy came to St. Louis County, where he was married, and where
he has since resided, engaged in farming. Eleven children were the
result of Mr. Maupin's marriage, nine of whom are now living: Octavia,
Lucy, Ella (deceased), Emma, Clay (deceased), Janetta, John T., Winifred, James S., Grover C. and Lillie G. The first three years after marriage
Mr. Maupin resided on the old home farm, after which he removed to Eureka,
and here rented land for five years. In 1874 he removed to the James
Brown farm, at the mouth of Big River, on the Meramec River, which he
rented for nine years. He then purchased his present farm, which
consists of 307 acres of as good land as is to be found in the county.
It is a part of one of the old Spanish surveys. He was instrumental in
establishing a good public school in his district although the school is
four miles from his house. He is active in every public enterprise.
Politically a Democrat, he cast his first presidential vote for Greeley,
in 1872. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. and a liberal supporter of
the church, and of all charitable institutions.