Jefferson County Historical Society

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Thomas A. Charles, one of the substantial farmers of Joachim Township,
is a native of St. Louis County, Mo., and is the eldest son of Robert
and Elizabeth (Nickel) Charles, of English and German descent, who were
among the early settlers of St. Louis.  Mr. Charles received his education
in the common schools, and in the early part of his life gave his
attention to railroad business, filling various positions on the Camden
& Atlantic Railroad.  June 4, 1872, he married Catherine (McCormick)
West, a native of Jefferson County.  Mr. Charles located on his present
farm of 213 acres, in Joachim Township, near Pevely, in 1866, where he 
has since resided, devoting his attention to the pursuit of agriculture
and dairying, shipping the products of the latter to St. Louis.  He and
wife are church members, he holding membership in the Presbyterian and
she in the Methodist Episcopal Church South.  In political preference
he is a Democrat.