Jefferson County Historical Society

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Edwin Boyne, retired farmer, of De Soto, is a native of Leeds, Yorkshire,
England, and was born in 1819. He is a son of Thomas and Mary (Craven) 
Boyne, the former of whom, a tobacco manufacturer, went to Paris on a 
pleasure trip, in 1844, and was stricken with cholera, dying the 
following day; he was the father of seven children, of whom Edwin was the
youngest. When fifteen years of age the latter was apprenticed to learn 
the mechanic's trade, and served an apprenticeship of five years, at the
end of which time he abandoned the trade. In 1850 he immigrated to the 
United States, and entered 120 acres of land in Jefferson County, Mo., 
which tract now comprises the fairgrounds, and a portion of the town of
De Soto, at the time an unbroken forest, and but sparsely settled. In 
1851 Mr. Boyne married Miss Hannah Brook, who was born in England, in 
1829.  They have been blessed with four children, viz.: Mary, wife of
Charles Hopson; Charles; Sara, wife of John Wright, of Decatur, Ill.; 
and William, a saddler by trade.  Mr. Boyne is one of the oldest citizens
now living in De Soto, having seen the first house erected in that place.
He has resided on his present place for the past thirty-eight years, and
is man universally esteemed for his honesty and integrity. He has preferred
the life of a quiet citizen to that of a politician, and votes for principle
rather than party.  He and wife are members of the Episcopal Church.