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Vincent Faina, a resident of Festus, is a native of Perry County, Mo., and was born August 17, 1880. He is a son of Valerio and Matilda (Tucker) Faina, the father being an Itailian who was born and reared in the city of Rome, Italy, and the mother a native of Kentucky; they were married in 1829, and of their four children all are deceased except the subject of this sketch. At the age of twelve years Vincent Faina was sent to St. Vincent's Seminary, in Perry County, where he was a student four years, receiving an ordinary common-school education. In 1851 he was employed by Ferdinand Rozier, a wholesale and retail merchant at Rozier's Landing, with whom he stayed as a clerk for seven years, and then, in partnership with Henry L. Caldwell, erected a large flouring mill at St. Mary's Landing, at a cost of $20,000. They were also
engaged in retail merchandising, carrying a stock valued at about $10,000. They were burned out in 1859, after which Mr. Faina turned his attention to farming, in which undertaking he was reasonably
successful. His marriage to Miss Nancy Burgett occurred in the month of February, 1855, his wife being a native of Perry County and of German descent. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Faina eight children were born, six sons and two daughters: Johnnie (deceased), Mary, Annie, Peter, Charlie, Vincent, Guy and Edgar. Mr. Faina is a member of Cascaska Lodge No. 62, A. F. & A. M. In political matters he is a stanch Demo- crat, and is now occupying the office of marshal of the town of Festus. The family are members of the Catholic Church.