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John T. Byrd, a native of Plattin Township (Survey 1245), Jefferson Co., Mo., and a successful farmer and stock raiser of the same, was born in 1827, and is the fourth of twelve children born to Benjamin B. and Mary Ann (Johnston) Byrd. Benjamin B. Byrd was born at
Salisbury, Md., in 1796 and received a good English education. He came with his father to Jefferson County in 1818, and one year later married
and settled on the tract of land where John T. now resides. He was one
of the enterprising, industrious citizens of the county, and spared no
pains to give his children a good education. He served many years as
justice of the peace, and did a great deal toward the advancement of
the country. He died in July, 1860 and was one of the few who paid
any attention to education. His father, John Byrd, was born in Maryland,
and at the age of twenty had served five years apprenticeship at the
carpenter's trade. After he had accumulated some means he purchased
a $4,000 farm and a negro. He married a widow with some means, and
continued to accumulate wealth. In 1818 he boarded a keel boat at
Wheeling, Va., came to St. Louis, but, not being satisfied with the
society there, then a small French trading post of French Creoles and
Indians, he dropped down to Herculaneum, bringing with him thirty negroes
and about $70,000 from Maryland. He then purchased the survey already
mentioned, where he lived about two years. He then went to Washington
County, where he died, in 1840, at the age of eighty-six. His father
was an English doctor, but came to America at an early day. The mother
of John T. was born near Louisville, Ky., in 1799 and when four years
of age came with her parents to what is now Jefferson County, and there
died in 1864. Her father, Benjamin Johnston, settled on Sandy Creek,
where he passed his last days. He was a man of education and of influence
in Jefferson County. He was in public office for many years, and, perhaps,
married more couples than any other man in Jefferson County in his day.
His wife was a daughter of old Col. Thompson, so famous in early Tennessee
days. The subject of this sketch was reared at home, and educated by a
private tutor. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California, being seven
months in making the trip. After spending two years in successful mining
he returned, and in 1852 married Miss Lou Catherine, daughter of Achilles
and Patience Smith. Mr. Smith was born in Virginia, and at the age of
twelve went to Davidson County, Tenn., and served with Johnson in the War
of 1812. He soon after came to St. Louis County, Mo., where he married,
and where he passed the remainder of his days. He died in Jefferson County,
in 1886. His wife was born in Jefferson County, and, when but a child,
came with her parents to St. Louis Co., where Mrs. Byrd was born. Mrs. Smith
was a sister of Gov. Marmaduke's mother. Of the six children born to Mr. Byrd
and wife, two are now living: Mary Ann, now Mrs. William A. Smith, who lives
on the farm with our subject; and Prof. Thomas S., a teacher and merchant at
Hematite, one of the foremost educators of Jefferson County. Mr. Byrd has
always made his home on the farm where he was born, which consists of 321 acres well cultivated and well improved. After coming from California he purchased 360 acres. From 1864 to 1865 he spent eleven months on the Pacific Coast, California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington Territory, etc.
He is one of the prominent and upright citizens of Jefferson Co., where he
is universally esteemed. His son spent three years at Caledonia High School
and one year at Fayette. Politically, Mr. Byrd was formerly a Whig but is
rather conservative, acting with the Democratic party. His first vote was
for Fillmore, in 1856. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and also a member
of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, of which his wife was also a member.
She died December, 1884.