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Clarence C. O'Fallon, a stock-dealer of Joachim Township, is a native of
St. Louis, Mo., his birth occurring March 27, 1857. He is the eldest son
of Benjamin and Sally C. (Carter) O'Fallon, of Irish and English parentage,
respectively. He was the recipient of a good literary education, his school
days having been spent mainly in New York City and St. Leonard's-on-the-Sea,
England. December 28, 1880, his marriage to Miss Hattie Bates Johnson
occurred, the result of which was the birth of one child, Nancy Lucas, born
February 27, 1884. Mrs. O'Fallon is the daughter of Dr. J. B. Johnson, of
St. Louis and was born September 2, 1856; her education was acquired at the
Convent of the Sacred Heart, St. Louis. Mr. O'Fallon is a member of the
Order of Elks, and his name is enrolled on the books of the St. Louis lodge.
In political matters he is a Democrat. He has been a resident of Jefferson
County since 1881, and now resides near the site of what was once a formidable
rival to St. Louis, Herculaneum. He owns 325 acres of land situated on
Sections 20 and 31, and is principally engaged in the raising of thoroughbred
horses. His residence is situated on a high bluff overlooking the Mississippi,
which commands a delightful view. Mr. and Mrs. O'Fallon are church members,
the former of the Episcopal and the latter of the Roman Catholic Church.