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Dr. George M. Mockbee, practicing physician and surgeon, of Hillsboro, and coroner of Jefferson County, Mo., was born near Horine in 1859, and is the eldest of four children born to Robert E. and Minerva J. (Williams) Mockbee. The father was born in Maryland, where he was reared, and when a young man came to Jefferson County. He was married in 1856, and settled near Horine, in Joachim Township, where he has since made his home, and where he has followed the occupation of a farmer and carpenter. Mrs. Mockbee is a daughter of Landen Williams, who was one of the well known and very early settlers of Jefferson County, settling there long before Missouri was a State. Both parents of George M. are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Doctor
was reared at home, and educated in the public schools, and in 1879
began the study of medicine under the late Dr. J. E. Morris. The same year he entered the American Medical College, at St. Louis, from which institution he graduated in 1882. After practicing in different places until about 1883 he came to Hillsboro, where he clerked for Joseph J. Hoeken for about one year, and then resumed his chosen
profession, which he has since followed with considerable success. In 1884 he was elected coroner of Jefferson County, and re-elected in 1886, and is now serving his second term. November, 1886 he married Miss Jessie, daughter of Hon. Abner and Mary Green. Mrs. Mockbee is a native of Hillsboro, where she was reared and educated. Politically, the Doctor, is a Democrat, and cast his first presidential vote for Hancock in 1880. He is a member of the A. O. U. W., and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church.