Jefferson County Historical Society

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Hon. E. F. Frost, farmer and stock raiser of Big River Township, was
born in Jessamine County, Ky., in 1820 and is the fourth of eight 
children born to Simeon and Mary (Woods) Frost, natives of Kentucky,
born in 1789 and 1790, respectively.  They were married in 1809, but
the mother died in 1839, in Crawford County, Mo.  He was married the
second time, to Margaret Garven, of Crawford County, Mo., in 1840.  
In 1822 he removed from Kentucky to Washington County, Mo., and from 
there to Crawford County, in 1835, where he made his future home, but
died ten miles west of Independence, while on his way across the 
plains to California, in 1849.  He was a man of fair education, good
judgement and ability.  In 1838 he was elected by the Democratic party
in Crawford County, to represent them in the Legislature, and served
one term.  He was justice of the peace for some years in Crawford Co.,
Mo., and was a member of the Baptist Church, as was also his first
wife.  E. F. Frost was but two years old when he was brought from Ken-
tucky to Washington County, was reared there and in Crawford County,
when there were no public schools, and what education he obtained was
in attending the subscription schools a short time during the winter,
and one winter term at Potosi, during the years 1837 and 1838.  At the 
age of twenty he learned the cabinet maker's trade which he followed
for several years.  In July, 1841 he married Miss Catherine M., daughter 
of Ephraim and Fannie Wilson (whose history appears in the sketch of 
J. M. Wilson).  To Mr. Frost's marriage were born five children, four 
of whom are now living: William J., of Franklin County; George R., also 
of Franklin County; Melvina C., wife of William T. Lee; and Kansas V., 
wife of David Perkins.  In 1844 Mr. Frost removed to Jefferson Co.,
and settled on Government land, on which he has since lived, with the
exception of about three years, when he resided at St. James, in order
to educate his children.  He at one time owned 600 acres of land, but
after giving his children each a good home he has but 200 acres left.
For several years after coming to Jefferson County he worked at the 
cabinet maker's trade, carpentering and blacksmithing, in connection
with farming.  Prior to the war he served several years as justice of 
the peace, and was instrumental in establishing Greenville postoffice,
of which he was postmaster for several years, being the first one to
occupy that position.  He served as public administrator of Jefferson
County from 1860 to 1864; and in 1874 he was elected to represent 
Jefferson County in the State Legislature, and served one term.  He is a
consistent Democrat, and his first presidential vote was cast for James
K. Polk, in 1844.  He is a long standing and prominent member of the 
Masonic fraternity, of Joachim Lodge, at Hillsboro, and he and wife are
members of the Baptist Church.  His brother, Elder James M. Frost, was
a well known Baptist minister, who began his ministerial duties in 
Crawford and Washington Counties, but afterward removed to Kentucky,
while yet a young man, and there spent a long and successful career in
his noble work.  He died in 1876.