Jefferson County Historical Society

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George Arnold, dealer in farm machinery, at Kimmswick, was born in Rock
Township, Jefferson Co., Mo., in 1861, and is the eldest child born to
Xavier and Mary (Heinbach) Arnold. He was educated at Kimmswick and
Maxville, was reared on a farm, where he remained until 1884, when he
established himself in the business, as above stated, and at which he
has been very successful. He is a man of good business ability, is 
industrious and energetic, and a promising future is open before him. 
He has also a farm of thirty acres on what is known as the Small Island,
opposite Kimmswick, on the Mississippi River. He is a Republican in
politics, and his first presidential vote was for James G. Blaine.  
Xavier Arnold, his father, and a successful farmer and stock raiser of
Rock Township, is a native of Mullkerche, France, born in 1837 and the
second of six children born to George and Magdalena Arnold, also natives
of France, but, who in 1842 came to the United States, and after 
spending about one year in Texas came to Jefferson County, Mo., settling
in Rock Township, where George Arnold spent his life engaged in
farming.  He died at Maxville about 1876. His wife died March, 1884,
aged seventy-nine.  Xavier Arnold was reared in the primitive days of
Jefferson County, and with limited means for an education.  In 1860 he
married Miss Mary, daughter of John Heinbach, who was a native of Germany,
but who was living in Jefferson County at this time. The following ten
children were the result of this marriage: George, John, Edward,
Joseph, Florence, Louisa (wife of George Sitz), Katie (wife of Rudolph
Reiser), Maggie, Caroline and Anna. Since his marriage, Mr. Arnold has
lived one and three-fourths miles west of Kimmswick, where he has 140
acres, mostly the result of his own labor.  He was in Col. Yerger's
regiment of Enrolled Missouri Militia during the war.  Politically a
Republican, his first presidential vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln,
in 1860.  He is a member of the Catholic Church and a man well known 
and much esteemed.  His wife died September 1, 1884.