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Eli F. Donnell, farmer and dairyman of Joachim Township, was born in Plattin Township in 1831, and is the youngest of five sons and three daughters of James and Jane (Staples) Donnell. Mr. Donnell was born in North Carolina in 1786, and moved with his parents to Middle
Tennessee when a boy, and when still young he and two brothers, Eli and Thomas, came on horseback to what is now Washington County, Mo., soon after 1800. There James was married, and there Thomas remained and established a Presbyterian Church at Caledonia, the first one of that denomination west of the Mississippi. He was a minister and farmer. The two other brothers removed to Jefferson County, where they have left many descendants who have become some of the best citizens of Jefferson County. James first settled on the Joachim in Valle Township,
afterward in Plattin Township, near Rush Tower, where he spent the
remainder of his life, as one of the foremost farmers and influential
citizens of Jefferson County. He died March 5, 1845. He was for many
years a Methodist minister, an esteemed citizen, and was a soldier in
the Black Hawk War. It is supposed that his father was a soldier in
the War of 1812, and that his grandfather was soldier in the
Revolutionary War. The mother of Eli F. was born in one of the Eastern
States in 1792, and removed with her parents to Indiana and from there
to Jefferson County, at an early day. She died in 1839, when our subject
was quite young, and after his father's death, Eli F. was thrown upon his
own resources. Having received the rudiments of an education, he worked
at such work as he could obtain, and hauled lead from the mines in
Washington County to points on the Mississippi River with three yoke of
oxen. At the age of twenty he crossed the plains to California, being
about six months on the road. He spent about three and a half years in
this State, two years in the mines and one and a half years engaged as a
general provision merchant, making considerable money, but lost it by his
generosity to others. In 1855 he came to Jefferson County, via New York
and Central America. He soon after made a trip through Iowa, Nebraska,
Kansas and the Territories. April 9, 1856 he married Miss Laura England,
a native of Plattin Township, and the daughter of James and Margaret England.
She died December 11, 1884 leaving seven children: Lelia, now Mrs. Charles Jarvis; William Foster, of Wichita, Kas.; James Theodore, also of Wichita,
Kas.; Cynthia C., now Mrs. Oscar Ogle; Alta Ann, Jesse and Newman. When
first married Mr. Donnell settled on the Plattin, where he lived until 1868.
He then formed a partnership with B. F. England, his brother-in-law, and
purchased a large tract of land at Bush Tower. He then engaged in the wood
business, also merchandising and farming, which he followed for two years,
when Mr. Donnell withdrew and moved to Hematite, where he followed
merchandising for two years. He then retired to his farm, one and a half
miles north, where he has since made his home, and is quite extensively
engaged in the dairy business and stock raising, for many years buying and
selling stock, horses, mules, cattle and sheep throughout Southeast Missouri
and Northeast Arkansas, taking as much stock from that country as perhaps any
other man. He has 590 acres on the line of the Iron Mountain Railroad, one of the oldest farms in the county, and has not changed hands but few times.
He has never aspired to office, although often urged to accept the county
judgeship, but as often refused. He is a member of the school board, and a
liberal supporter of all charitable and public enterprises. In politics a
Democrat, his first presidential vote was for Buchanan, in 1856. He was a
stanch Union man during the war, and several relatives on his mother's side
were in the Union Army and several on his father's side in the Confederate
Army during the war. Mr. Donnell has been a Master Mason for many years, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, as was his wife also, and has
one of the finest farms in the county.