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Daniel B. Veazey, clerk of the circuit court of Jefferson County, was born in Rockingham County, N. H., January 4, 1842, and is the eldest in a family of four children born to Jonathan and Sarah J. (Barber) Veazey natives of the same county, and born, respectively, about the years 1818
and 1819. The parents removed to Jefferson County about 1867, and settled
in Plattin Township, where they still live; the father is of English descent,
and has been a life long farmer. Daniel B. received a good education,
attending Philip's Exeter Academy one year, and spending nearly two years
at the New London Academy, a part of the time being engaged in teaching.
In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Third Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry,
and served on detached service one year, on the engineer corps, in the Army
of the Potomac; he then served one year as ordnance sergeant, when he was
promoted to the rank of lieutenant, in which capacity he served until after
the battle of the Wilderness, when he was made assistant provost marshal,
in the Second Division, Sixth Corps; he held the latter position until July,
1864, and upon his term of enlistment expiring he was discharged, having
participated in every battle fought by that army. Upon his return home he spent another year at the Exeter Academy, and then took a course at the Commercial College, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He then spent a few months as
traveling salesman for Samuel Page & Son, of Boston, and in 1866 he went
to St. Louis, where he engaged as a traveling salesman for the wholesale
dry goods firm of W. H. Benton & Co., for one year. He then located in
Jefferson County, where he farmed and taught school until 1874, and the
following four years traveled for D. Appleton & Co. From 1878 to 1883
he was employed by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., and from 1884 to 1886 was
principal of Crystal City public schools. He was elected clerk of the
circuit court of Jefferson County in 1886, which office he has since
filled with credit to himself, and to the honor of his county. December
26, 1866, occurred his marriage to Miss Louise H., daughter of John Mackay,
of Orange County, N. Y. To this union have been born five children. Mr.
Veazey's ancestors were Whigs. He cast his first presidential vote, in
1864, for Lincoln, and has since been identified with the Republican party;
he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the A. O. U. W., and belongs
to the Baptist Church. Mrs. Veazey is an Episcopalian.