Jefferson County Historical Society

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Louis Rogge, farmer and dealer in liquors at Cedar Hill, is a native of
Hanover, Germany, born in 1836, and the son of William and Elizabeth
Rogge.  The father died in 1853, and in 1856 a part of the family came
to the United States, and located in St. Louis, where Louis was engaged
in the liquor business, and also ran a bakery until 1880, with the 
exception of 1871 and 1872, when he was on Big River, running a store and
mill.  Since 1880 he has lived at Cedar Hill, where he has a farm of 
133 acres and is also operating a saloon.  In 1885 he was appointed
justice of the peace by the county court, and has since held that office; 
he is also president of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. He served 
in the Home Guards and in the militia during the war, is a Republican in 
politics, casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln in 1860.  
He was married, in 1861, to Miss Catherine Bohle, who died in 1863, 
leaving one child.  In 1864 Mr. Rogge married Augusta Bohle, a sister of 
his first wife.  She died in 1886, leaving seven children.