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Thomas A. Williams, justice of the peace, was born in Joachim Township, Jefferson County, November 25, 1831. His parents were Silas and Nancy (Adams) Williams, pioneers of Jefferson County, the former of whom died July 17, 1853 and the latter in March, 1886. Thomas A. Williams was brought up on the farm, and his education was obtained in the log school house. When a young man he learned the carpenter's trade, and was engaged in building bridges and houses for eight or ten years. He also worked several years at the stone mason's trade with his father. During the late war he enlisted for service in Company A, Thirty-first Missouri Volunteer Infantry, but after a few months was discharged for disability. He served as deputy sheriff of Jefferson Three years, and has filled the office of justice of the peace for the past six years, of which office he is the present incumbent. He also served as constable
two years. May 27, 1852, he married Permelia Beckett, daughter of
Ephraim Beckett. They have had six children, viz.: Amanda (deceased) was
married to Charles E. Turner, of St. Louis, and left two children: Joseph
and Edward; Ephraim married Sarah Fultz, is a resident of Monroe County,
Ill., and has one child, Thomas; Esther became the wife of William Haven,
of St. Louis, and is the mother of two children: Walter and Bertie; Robert,
married, resides in Montrose, Iowa, and has one child, Nellie; and Kate and
Sallie are single. Mrs. Williams died August 11, 1873, and September 2, 1874,
Mr. Williams married Mary A. Lee, daughter of Archiles Lee. One child,
deceased, was born to this union. In addition to his farm and office work
Mr. Williams carries the mail from Victoria to Plattin.