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H. Frederick Wappler, of De Soto, is a native of Bavaria, Germany, and was
born March 8, 1841. His father was Henry Wappler, a native of the same
place, now deceased. Mr. Wappler was educated in his native country, and
immigrated to the United States in the fall of 1866; he first located in
Carondelet, where he remained until the fall of 1868, when he removed to
Jefferson County, Mo., and was engaged in farming near Vineland for the
following three years, paying particular attention to gardening and raising
small fruits. In 1871 he settled in De Soto, where he has since resided.
January 16, 1868, in St. Louis, he was united in marriage with Frederica
Liehn, a native of the same locality in Germany as himself, and a daughter
of Nicholas Liehn. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wappler,
six of whom are living: Frederick, Katie, Louis, Agusta, Amelie and Eda.
The deceased was Mary, who died in the fifth year of her age. Mr. Wappler
is a member of the Knights of Honor and Druids, also the T. O. H. He was
one of the prime movers in establishing the Lutheran Church in De Soto, of which he is a consistent member.