Jefferson County Historical Society

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John O. Ackerson, store keeper, Crystal City, is deserving of more than
a passing notice in the present volume. He is a native of Newark, 
Wayne Co., N. Y., and was born October 8, 1843, the eldest son of Paul
A. and Mary S. (Olmsted) Ackerson, natives, respectively, of New Jersey
and Connecticut. He received but a common-school education, and since
his twelfth year has found the means of his own support, having been
occupied at various callings until the breaking out of the war, when he
enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixtieth New York Volunteers, being in
the service about three years, and being promoted to the rank of 
lieutenant in the Seventeenth United States Infantry. He was on detached
service as aid-de-camp at division headquarters, and served at the 
siege of Port Hudson, La., being in the Department of the Gulf, going
to that department with Banks' expedition from New York.  At the close
of the war Mr. Ackerson secured employment with the Missouri Pacific
Railroad Company, with whom he remained four years, when he engaged as
book keeper of the Second National Bank of St. Louis, which position he
held over four years. He then accepted the position of cashier of the
Granby Mining and Smelting Company, of Granby, Mo., where he remained 
some four or five years. In January, 1884 his excellent business 
qualifications and ability led to his being placed in charge of the large
retail store of the Crystal Plate Glass Company, at Crystal City, where
he has since been employed. His connection with the affairs of this
company has proved highly beneficial, and it is owing largely to his 
management that the business has increased to such an extent.  October
8, 1868, he was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Fowler, an estimable
lady, daughter of William Fowler; she is of English parentage, and was 
born on English soil. Mr. and Mrs. Ackerson are the parents of four
children, viz.: Blanche, Hersey, Neale and John O. Mr. Ackerson is a
member of the American Legion of Honor and holds membership in the 
Legion of Honor in St. Louis.  He was at one time city treasurer of 
Granby, Newton Co., Mo.