Jefferson County Historical Society

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Matthew P. Elliott, a native of Yorkshire, England, was born August 15,
1852 and is the eldest son of Thomas and Mary (Dodsworth) Elliott, both
of whom were of English birth.  He was educated at a private boarding
school, and at the age of fifteen was apprenticed to Thwaites & Carbutt,
civil and mechanical engineers, and proprietors of the Vulcan Iron 
Works, of Bradford, Yorkshire, remaining with them until he was twenty-
one years of age.  He was then employed in the corps of engineers of
Sir Charles Siemans, of London, and was subsequently made manager of 
the steel department of Sir James Kitson's Monkbridge Iron Works; from
there he was transferred to the Birmingham Plate Glass Works, Smethwick,
England.  November 18, 1882 he immigrated to the United States, and was
installed as assistant general manager of the Crystal Plate Glass Works,
of Crystal City, Mo., which position he still retains.  He is a member
of Shekinah Lodge, No. 256, A. F. & A. M., and his political preference
is with the Republican party.  In religion he affiliates with those of
the Episcopal creed.