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T. A. James, M. D., is a son of Dr. L. and Mary (Reynolds) James, and was born in Monroe County, Ill., in 1856. Dr. L. James, who is of French descent, is also a native of Monroe County, Ill., and was born in 1820; he graduated from the St. Louis Medical College, in 1861, and began practice at Waterloo in his native county, where he resided until
about 1873, when he moved to Cruise, Washington Co., Mo., where he is
still actively engaged in practice. His wife is also of French descent,
and was born in Randolph County, Ill, in 1832. They have five children
living, viz.: Tracy, wife of M. A. Casey; Dr. T. A.; Emma, wife of P. S.
Coleman; Griffith and Susie. Dr. T. A. James received his literary
education at Christian Brothers' College, St. Louis, and when twenty
years of age began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his
father. In 1878 he entered St. Louis Medical College, from which
institution he graduated in March, 1881. He began the practice of his
chosen profession at St. Clair, Franklin Co., Mo., where he remained
one year, and then removed to Labaddie. In the spring of 1886 he located
in De Soto, where he has since resided, and is one of the leading
physicians and surgeons of Jefferson County. October 25, 1881 he married
Miss Mary C. Flynn, a daughter of Michael Flynn, of Washington County;
she was born in Washington County, in 1857. Mr. and Mrs. James have two
children: William A. and Liona. Politically, Dr. James is a Democrat.
He is special medical examiner of the Select Knights of the A. O. U. W.,
and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He and wife are members of
the Roman Catholic Church.