Jefferson County Historical Society

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William J. Harrison, farmer, stock raiser and dairyman, of Jefferson
County, Mo., was born near De Soto in 1833, the son of George W. and
Jemima (Null) Harrison.  The father was probably born in Georgia in
1807, and when a boy was brought by an uncle to Missouri, where he 
spent the remainder of his days in farming and stock raising and died
in 1855, while managing a provision store to supply the men employed
in building the Iron Mountain Railroad.  The mother was born in 1813,
and died in 1859.  She was a daughter of William Null, who was an 
early and well known citizen of Jefferson County, Mo.  Wm. J. received 
but few early educational advantages, and in 1859 was married to 
Ann C., daughter of James R. and Margaret England.  Mr. England was
born in Tennessee, but, when a boy, was brought by his father to Missouri.  
His wife was a native of Jefferson County, and a daughter of James McCormack.  
Mr. Harrison and wife became the parents of six children, three of whom are 
living: James Edwin, George Franklin and Oscar Clark.  Mr. Harrison first 
settled near Valle's Mines where he lived until 1864.  At this time he made 
an extended trip through Colorado, Idaho, Washington Territory, etc., having 
been absent sixteen months.  After his return he settled on his present 
excellent farm of 250 acres. He is a Democrat in politics and cast his first
presidential vote for Buchanan.  He and wife are members of the Methodist 
Episcopal Church South.