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Joseph H. Hamill, a successful farmer and stock raiser of Big River Township, and the only surviving child of Hugh and Mary (Conel) Hamill, was born in Big River Township, Jefferson County, in 1862. His parents were natives of Ireland, and when quite young both came to the United States (his father being twenty years of age, and his mother fourteen) where they were married, in 1861. In about 1847, the father settled in Jefferson County, about fourteen miles northwest of Hillsboro, on Calvey Creek, where he improved a good farm, where he remained until his death in 1863, at the age of forty-three. The mother afterward married Patrick Lyons, of Lexington, Mo., who was drowned in Big River, August 15, 1871, leaving three children: Briggie, Mary and Martin. Joseph H. was educated in the common country schools and also attended two years at a Lexington private school. He has thus far resided on the old home farm which consists of 365 acres, and of which he is the owner. It is well cultivated and well improved, and makes one of the best farms in the county. Mr. Hamill is a Democrat in politics, casting
his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland, in 1884. The family
were Catholics.