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Judge William F. Williams was born in Madison County, Mo., May 5, 1825, and is a son of James and Lydia (Waller) Williams, the former of whom, a native of Kentucky, came to Missouri when a young man. The parents first located in Perry County, Mo., thence moved to Madison, from there to Washington County, and in 1840 settled in Big River Township, Jefferson
County. William F. was brought up on a farm, and his education was such
as the subscription schools of the time in the old log school house
afforded. He has devoted the greater portion of his life to the pursuit
of agriculture, and has been engaged in mining to some extent. He was
elected county judge of Jefferson County in 1872, and served six years.
The gravel road from De Soto to Victoria, and also a part of the road
from Morse's Mill to St. Louis, were built under his administration.
December 17, 1851, he married Margaret, daughter of John Manion (deceased).
Of the nine children born to this union, six are now living, viz.: L.
Clementine (who married William Power, of Big River Township, and has two
children: Estus and Mary); Laura J. (wife of Mr. Price Carrow, of De Soto,
and the mother of one child, Clyde); Mary F., James A., Clyde and Ida B.
Mr. Williams owns about 900 acres of land, which he devotes to farming
and stock raising. He also owns a store in De Soto. He is a member of
the Hillsboro Lodge, No. 164, F. & A. M. Mrs. Williams died March 17, 1878,
a member of the Baptist Church, of which church Mr. Williams is also a member.