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Andrew L. Frech, dealer in corn, oats, hay, etc., De Soto, is a native of
St. Louis, Mo., and was born in 1853. His parents, Conrad and Catherine
(Mahn) Frech, were natives of Germany, and were born, respectively, in
1822 and 1818. They were the parents of the following children: Elizabeth,
wife of John Hausam; John, in the grocery business in DeSoto; Andrew L.;
Catherine, wife of Elmer Kempe; Conrad, a cigar manufacturer, of Des Moines,
Iowa; Philopena; Hannah, wife of George Mahn, of St. Francois County, and
Mary, wife of John Walteher. The father immigrated to the United States in
1847, and followed his trade of a stone cutter in St. Louis, until 1855,
when he came to Jefferson County and bought 200 acres of land, five miles
east of De Soto; in 1869 he sold his farm and moved to St. Charles, Mo.,
where he died April 10, of that year. His widow is still living. Andrew L.
Frech received his education in the common schools and at Warrenton College.
He remained on the home farm until sixteen years of age, and two years later
began learning the barber's trade, establishing a shop of his own in 1872. He continued in business until June, 1887, when he abandoned it, and opened
a feed store. April 10, 1877, he married Miss Julia Matheau, daughter of
Louis and Annett Matheau; she was born in Nauvoo, Ill., in 1855. Three
children have been born to this union: Eva, Emma and Harry. Politically,
Mr. Frech is a Republican. He is a member of the Encampment, I. O. O. F.