Jefferson County Historical Society

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C. Thomas Horine, of the firm of Thomas & Horine, attorney-at-law, at
Hillsboro, is a native of that place, born in 1844.  He was educated in
the public schools, and at the age of fourteen received a position in 
the circuit clerk's office, which position he filled until about the 
age of eighteen, when he enlisted in Company A, Thirty-first Missouri
Volunteer Infantry, under Col. (afterward Gov.) Fletcher, and took part
in every engagement in which his command participated.  He enlisted as
a private, and was mustered out as lieutenant after twenty eight months
service; participated in the siege of Vicksburg, Arkansas Post, Lookout
Mountain, Missionary Ridge and the entire Georgia and Atlanta campaign.
At Jonesboro, Ga., it was decided that a portion of the officers of the
Thirty-first and Thirty-second Missouri Infantry, by reason of consolidation 
of the two regiments, should retire, and Mr. Horine was one of the three 
commissioners who were appointed by Gen. Howard to designate the officers 
who should or could retire.  Our subject being one, returned home, and soon 
resumed his old position in the circuit clerk's office.  In 1865 he was 
appointed by Gov. Fletcher to a position in the office of secretary of State.  
In the fall of 1866 he returned to the circuit clerk's office, but two years 
later retired, to give place to a cousin of the chief.  He afterward served 
four years as deputy circuit clerk, under W. S. Boyce, and in 1874 was elected 
to the position of circuit clerk, which office he held for twelve years.  In 
January, 1887 he entered as a partner with W. H. H. Thomas, in the law business, 
having been admitted to the bar about sixteen years previous to this.  He was 
married July 6, 1865, to Miss Cerinda Shelton, a native of Jefferson County, Mo., 
and the daughter of John Shelton.  Four children were the result of this union.  
Mr. Horine is a Democrat, and has frequently been a delegate to congressional 
and State conventions. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of the I. O. O. F., 
of the A. O. U. W., and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church.