Jefferson County Historical Society

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Joseph M. Aubuchon is a native of Washington County, Mo., and was born
March 7, 1848, the third son of eight children born to Francis T. and
Julia (Goza) Aubuchon, of French and American ancestry, but both are
natives of Washington County.  Joseph M. Aubuchon received a common 
literary education, which was polished by a six months course in the 
business college of Rice & Stuart, St. Louis. He was reared on a farm,
but at the age of sixteen commenced to learn the blacksmith's trade. 
To this business he gave his attention until he had reached the age of
twenty-five, when he engaged in retail merchandising at Palmer, Washington
County, continuing about three years, removing his stock to Festus in
1878; where he carried on the same business for several years. Since 1879
he has given his almost undivided attention to furnishing sand to the 
Crystal Plate Glass Company, of Crystal City, as well as several other
houses in St. Louis and elsewhere, in which he has been successful
to a satisfactory degree.  He is at present the owner of several houses
and lots in Festus, also a half-interest in thebusiness block occupied
by Aubuchon & Brierton, general merchants in Festus.  May 26, 1876 he
was united in marriage with Miss Fannie Parkin a native of the same 
county as himself.  This union has been blessed with the birth of five
children, viz.: Francis J., Theodore, William, Charles and Clarence.The
family hold to the Catholic faith, and in politics Mr. Aubuchon is a Democrat.