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John Huskey, farmer, stock raiser and veterinary surgeon, of Big River
Township, was born near Hillsboro, in 1830, and is the fourth of eight
sons and five daughters born to John and Nancy (Williams) Huskey, natives 
of South Carolina, born in 1800 and 1803, respectively. The father was 
reared on Belew's Creek at a very early day, and with meager educational 
advantages.  He was married at the age of twenty, and spent the remainder 
of his life near where his father, John Huskey, had settled on Belew's 
Creek, three miles north of Hillsboro, and was engaged in farming and 
blacksmithing.  He was one of the county's most enterprising and 
successful citizens, and at the time of his death which occurred June 29, 
1876, was the owner of 1,300 acres of land.  The mother was brought to 
Jefferson County by her father, Peter Williams, when but two or three 
years of age.  Her father was a native of South Carolina, and after coming 
to Jefferson County, settled on Sandy Creek, two or three miles northeast 
of Hillsboro.  Her mother was of Irish descent and a lady of culture and 
considerable intelligence.  John Huskey was reared at home, and attended 
the subscription schools of his county.  He was married March 13, 1853, to 
Miss Clara, daughter of Mark and Artemesi Weidman, formerly of South 
Carolina, but early settlers of Big River Township, where Mrs. Huskey was 
born.  Thirteen children were born to Mr. Huskey and wife, nine of whom 
are living: James M., Catherine (wife of Joseph Wilson), Missouri J. (wife 
of Ed Henson), Lucinda (wife of J. Paton), Clara E., Mary, George S., Verna 
Ann and Frank.  Immediately after marriage Mr. Huskey located on Big River, 
where his father gave him a farm situated seven miles west of Hillsboro.  
Here he has 300 acres of choice bottom land, making one of the best farms 
in the county. For over thirty years he has successfully practiced 
veterinary surgery, and treated the various diseases of horses, etc. He is 
a life long Democrat, and cast his first presidential vote for Pierce, in 
1852. He was a stanch Union man during the war, but was exempt from service 
on account of disability.