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William E. Bage, a plasterer and farmer of Central Township, Jackson Co., Mo., waws born in Washington, D. C., in 1819, the eldest of ten children born to William and Mary (Foxton) Bage. William Bage, Sr., was born in England, and when about twenty-one years of age came to the United States, and located in Washington, D. C., where he married Miss Foxton, who was born in that city in 1801. Mr. Bage worked under his father-in-law, William Foxton, a plasterer, and afterward succeeded
him as superintendent of the Public Plastering Works of Washington City,
holding the position until 1833, when he moved to South Bend, Ind., and
a year later to Michigan, and in 1840 to Jefferson County, Mo., where he
spent the remainder of his life. He learned the plasterer's trade in
England, and worked at the trade after coming to Jefferson County. The
mother died when about eighty years of age, and the father five years
later. They were both members of the Episcopal Church. Mrs. Bage's
father was also an Englishman by birth, but when a young man came to
the United States, locating in Alexandria, Va. He superintended the
plastering of the first public building in the City of Washington. The
immediate subject of this sketch came with his parents to Missouri and
here has since made his home. He learned the plasterer's trade of his
father and has followed that occupation in St. Louis, and in Jefferson
and the adjoining counties. He owns 220 acres of land besides the old
homestead. He is a Democrat in politics, and his first presidential
vote was cast for Van Buren in 1840. Mr. Bage is an honest upright man,
and a good citizen of the county.