Jefferson County Historical Society

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Eli J. McMullin was born in Valle Township, Jefferson County, September
18, 1850.  His father, Robert McMullin, a native of Henderson County,
Ky., settled in Jefferson County, Mo., in 1826, which was then a dense
wilderness inhabited by wild animals.  His wife was Rebecca McMullin,
and of their thirteen children, ten of whom are living, Eli J. was the
youngest, viz.: John T., Samuel W., William B., Robert W., George W.,
Benjamin W., Richard J., Adaline (now Mrs. Volkes), Eliza J. (now Mrs.
Williams) and Eli J.  James N. and Thomas J. were soldiers in the Union
army during the late war, the former was killed at the siege of Vicksburg, 
and the latter died from sickness contracted in the army while home on 
furlough.  Eli J. McMullin was reared on the old homestead, and received 
his education in the common schools.  September 18, 1876, he married 
Nancy A. Cape, daughter of Rev. James Cape, an early settler of Valle 
Township.  Mr. and Mrs. McMullin have four children, viz.: Lawrence C., 
George B., Maggie J. and Mary E.  Mr. McMullin lives on the old farm, 
which consists of 209 acres, and devotes some attention to the raising 
of stock.  He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He has never 
sought political honor.