Jefferson County Historical Society

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Hubert Becker, dealer in general merchandise at Maxville, was born on
the Rhine, Germany, in 1832, and educated in the common schools.  In
1842 he came with his parents, H. S. and Anna G. (Kremer) Becker, to
the United States, and settled in Jefferson County, being among the 
first German settlers of Rock Township, where they made their future
home.  The mother died in 1869, and the father in 1874.  The latter 
was a soldier in the French War from 1809 to 1815, was captured at 
Portugal in 1811, where he was held for nine months.  He then joined
the German Legion in England, and served until after the battle of
Waterloo, where he was severely wounded and disabled from further service.
He was city alderman for some time before coming to this country.  
Hubert was not educated in the English language, and what knowledge he
has obtained of it was by his own efforts.  In 1857 he took a trip 
through the North, among the different Indian tribes, and spent one
winter in Minnesota, meeting with numerous adventures among the Indians.
He then returned to Jefferson County and lived with his parents. During
the war he was in Company C, of the Enrolled Missouri Militia, two years.
He was married in 1863 to Miss Louisa, daughter of John and Johanna 
Heimbach, all natives of Germany.  Mr. Becker remained on his farm until
1875, when he commenced merchandising at Maxville, which business he has
since continued with success. He is also engaged in the same business at
High Ridge. He is now living with his third wife, Anna Becker. He being 
a Democrat, his first presidential vote was for James Buchanan. He is an
energetic German, and is respected by all.