Jefferson County Historical Society

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Deceased Physicians - Jefferson County, Missouri

Country doctors needed a broad range of practical knowledge and skills. They developed strong relationships and trust with their patients, often treating several generations of the same family. While this has been an extremely time consuming project to undertake, I felt that it was appropriate to remember these dedicated servants of the community. Many sources were consulted, and while I tried very hard to search and include all references to physicians in our county, I'm sure there have been some that I have missed. Each doctor is linked to biographical information and sources. If you have additional information on any of these names, would like to submit a bio, or know of a doctor that I missed, please contact me and I will include your name as contributor. All information on these pages was compiled by Lisa K. Gendron, unless otherwise noted. Thanks to those who have already contributed information to this project!

Jefferson County Missouri License Books for Doctors and Dentists 1846 - 1933 Transcribed by Lisa K. Gendron
Dr. William West's Journal Index  1852 - 1857 Transcribed by Carole Goggin

Jefferson Memorial Hospital Physician Directory 1978 - Transcribed by Lisa K. Gendron New!

History of Jefferson Memorial Hospital By: Lisa K. Gendron

  • George Clark Ackley
  • James M. Ackley
  • Wm. P. Adair
  • Roger Hubbard Allbee
  • Thomas Cicero Allen
  • F.H. Ames
  • John C. Andrews
  • Millard Fillmore Arbuckle
  • Alma Lillian Arendale
  • A.J. Ashby
  • M.F. Atwood
  • P. Isadore Aubuchon
  • George Alfred Auerswald
  • Priestly A. Bainbridge
  • Dr. Baker
  • I.N. Barnett
  • Jules Baron
  • Edward B. Barron
  • Gene Barry
  • James Beamer
  • C.S. Beaulieu
  • Alois Beck
  • H. F. Bergman
  • Hugh Berkley
  • T. Gustave Bidaux
  • Michael K. Blank
  • Ellis W. Bliss
  • Rose J. Bogman
  • Dr. Bohl
  • A.H.P Bohning
  • Bertalan Bolgar
  • Andres Bonifacio
  • Asa Prior Booth
  • G. A. Bowman
  • R.M. Boyd
  • Sumner Hamilton Boynton
  • Lee T. Bradfield
  • Thomas S. Brewster
  • Francis Asbury Brickey
  • Arthur N. Brock
  • Cyrus W. Brooks
  • Thomas Rowland Bruce
  • Francis Marion Bruner
  • Wm. Brush
  • Gregory George Bryan
  • William A. Bryan
  • E.M. Burgess
  • Roscoe Thomas Burn
  • Charles Ray Burnside
  • Richard L. Byrd
  • J.M. Cackfield
  • C.D. Calkins
  • L.M. Camp
  • John Campbell
  • G. W. Cananess
  • John Harold Cantlon
  • Leander W. Cape
  • C. B. Carr
  • Nathan Cash
  • Robert L. Cayse
  • Louis Anthony Chamberlain
  • Lyman A. Cheney
  • F.T. Cherry
  • Charles H. Christoffe
  • John Grier Christy
  • W.E. Clark
  • C. H. Clement
  • J.M. Clinton
  • Martin Cloonan
  • Ernest Linwood Coffin
  • Clarence Colin
  • John Michael Collins
  • J. J. Commerford
  • Mary E. Commerford
  • James Roy Compton
  • Dr. Conrod
  • Lawson Cooley
  • John Coop
  • D. M. Cooper
  • Benjamin W. Cornell
  • Oswald W. Cosby
  • J.B. Cox
  • Charles C. Cristoffe
  • C. E. Crosby
  • Amandus Crull
  • M. L. Custer
  • Wheeler Davis
  • David Smith Deadrick
  • James S. Deadrick
  • Franklin DeBar
  • T. E. DeBar
  • Vicente D. Deles
  • James Volney Denny
  • R. H. Dickman
  • Walter N. Dodson
  • Harold Emmett Donnell
  • Jesse Franklin Donnell
  • Newman Ross Donnell
  • Robert Edmund Donnell
  • Robert Hart Donnell
  • Thomas Allison Donnell
  • William Foster Donnell
  • A. Dornniges
  • Fritz Emmett Drinnen
  • Vincent Duerford
  • Alan J. DuMontier
  • Morris D. Duncan
  • F. P. Dunn
  • H. P. Durbin
  • Andrew Dwkerhoff
  • Wm. S. Dyer
  • James Edwards
  • R.E. Edwards
  • Frank A. Elders
  • George W. N. Elders Jr.
  • George W. N. Elders Sr.
  • M. B. Elders
  • W. H. Elkins
  • W.J. England
  • A. L. Evans
  • Edwin Eugene Evans
  • William Evans
  • Charles Earl Fallet
  • William H. Farrar
  • H. W. Fath
  • H. S. Ferrell
  • P. Findley
  • E. Fischel
  • David Ford
  • Robert C. Franke
  • John Edmond Frech
  • Henry Dee Fuller
  • Louis David Gamache
  • Walter E. Gibson
  • Walter Everette Gibson Jr.
  • James C. Gish
  • M. J. Glaser
  • J.H. Glasscock
  • Joseph F. Goeke
  • Charles C. Gorham
  • Clifton S. Gray
  • Mas Grensfelder
  • Francis E. Guibar
  • Louis C. Haagan
  • Joseph H. Hagan
  • Albert Henry Hamel
  • George F. Hamel
  • Gustavus Hamel
  • Henry Hanson
  • Milton C. Harbison
  • J. W. Hardesty
  • Charles G. Harris
  • Hermann E. Hasse
  • Edward E. Haverstick
  • N. William Hawkins
  • T. G. Hawley
  • Dr. Heilmann
  • Oliver Earnest Hensley
  • Morey Filmore Higginbotham
  • Aranaugh Hill
  • H. H. Hill
  • William F. Hill
  • Wilsel Hlatky
  • Dr. Hobson
  • Alvie M. Hoffee
  • T. N. Horn
  • Erik Houttuin
  • O. L. Howard
  • Wellington Wallace Hull
  • Alfred Cruz Ibaviosa
  • John Paul Ingels
  • Thomas Stephan Jackson Jr.
  • Louis James
  • Thomas Leander James
  • Timon A. James
  • Norvel W. Jarvis
  • Peter Jenni
  • E. M. Jennings
  • Henry Jones
  • Joseph Evans Jones
  • Thomas J. Jones
  • Walter T. Judge
  • James Cullen Keaney
  • William M. Keaney
  • Ameil Kearney
  • R. Emmet Kearny
  • Preston Graves Kennett
  • James Martine Kershaw
  • Robert R. Keys
  • Frank Kinnon
  • Wm. J. F. Kirk
  • Julius H. Kister
  • Dr. Kitchell
  • Herman Koerner
  • H.N. Khoury
  • Frank Kozal
  • William E. Krafft
  • J.M. Krider
  • J. C. Kruse
  • L. W. Lacy
  • Richard E. Lee
  • Collins Aloyscios LeMaster
  • Julius Lingenfelder
  • James H. Link
  • Archibald Armstrong Livingston
  • Louis Lohmann
  • Frank Leo Long
  • Frank S. Luckey
  • H. L. Luckey
  • E. O. Lueking
  • August C. Luh
  • Christ T. Mangos
  • Alexander Black Marbury
  • D. N. Mason
  • Eli B. Mayfield
  • James Logan Mayfield
  • V. J. McAuliffe
  • Karl V. McKinstry
  • Mary Ann McMillan
  • Simon McNearney
  • Isaac Newton McNutt
  • Robert H. McNutt
  • Cresenciano A. Medrano
  • George and Florence Meehan
  • H. V. Metzradt
  • Harry Michaels
  • S.M. Michelson
  • Charles W. Miller
  • Daniel H. Miller
  • H.I. Miller
  • John H. Miller
  • Horatio Nelson Miner
  • George M. Mockbee
  • A.O. Moor
  • Margaret Moore
  • John E. Morris
  • J. B. Neff
  • Glenn R. Northup
  • Dr. Null
  • William G. Null
  • W. H. Null
  • Martin S. O'Brien
  • Martin Y. O'Brien, Jr.
  • W. A. O’Bryan
  • G. H. Osborne
  • W. Edward Osterwald
  • George A. O'Sullivan
  • Charles Emerson Owen
  • Kun H. Park
  • J. H. Parker
  • Arwench Parkhurst
  • William Parks
  • Waller Everett Pearl
  • James B. Pepper
  • John Wilkerson Pickell
  • R. E. Pierce
  • W. H. Pilliard
  • Charles Pipkin
  • Jas. J. Poesnell
  • A. P. Poston
  • Harry Seargent Prentiss
  • James R. Prichard
  • C. C. Prisnell
  • Wilbur J. Reed
  • O. F. Reich
  • Dr. Rice
  • John Francis Roeser
  • C. H. Rogers
  • Lloyd Fletcher Roudebush
  • D. L. Rouggly
  • Philip "Chip" Rowden
  • John Edward Rutledge
  • John Frederick Rutledge
  • Christian Sapper
  • Wallace L. Sappington
  • Jesse S. Sargent
  • Emiel Schilling
  • Caswell Sconce
  • Emmett J. Senn
  • Benjamin Shaw
  • Dr. Siddick
  • Gustave W. Sieving
  • Seyvee Sirintrapun
  • S. Clarence Skeel
  • Samuel C. Skeel
  • Fritz Emmett Skinner
  • George Preston Smiley
  • Anthony P. Smith
  • E. Clayton Smith
  • George A. Smith
  • Hurlburt S. Smith
  • Owen A. Smith
  • S. M. Smith
  • T.H.R. Smith
  • W. Smith
  • Wm. D. V. Snow
  • M. F. Spalding
  • Gustavus Stegmann
  • Joseph Edward Stegmann
  • Oliver Eugene Stewart
  • J. A. Strickland
  • Samuel T. Suddick
  • Othmar J. Sum
  • P. T. Tah
  • Thomas B. Taylor
  • C.C. Thibbetts
  • John Thompson
  • E.J. Thurman
  • George W. Tidwell
  • John Edward Torbitzky
  • James A. Townsend
  • Thomas Benton Turnbaugh
  • Thomas Jefferson Turpin
  • Arthur Barton Twersky
  • Andrew Unitel
  • C.B. Vandover
  • F. T. Varney
  • George W. Varnum
  • Eufemio Verzola
  • George W. Vineyard
  • F. J. Vogelsang
  • Robert C. Volker
  • Hermann Vorner
  • Hosea Ellsworth Walker
  • D. Bruce Wallace
  • Dr. Washington
  • Jno. M. Wate
  • L. S. Watkins
  • Raymond Earl Weible
  • Horatio Wells
  • Wm. West
  • F.J. Whiterker
  • Walter W. Wieman
  • Francis John Wild Jr.
  • Charles F. Williams
  • Charles H. Williams
  • William C. Williams
  • Dr. Williamson
  • Robert William Wills
  • Charles Wilson
  • Spotted Wolf
  • Joseph Scott Wolff
  • W. H. Woodard (or J.H. Woodard)
  • S. Elliot Woods
  • George W. Wyatt
  • John M. Wyatt
  • Harry Yoskit
  • Marion James Yount
  • Herman E. Zorn
  • Last Updated: