George W. N. Elders


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 786 II D R

G.W.N. Elders, Hematite Post Office, 1873 (date of license or diploma)


State Board of Health Certificates

Jefferson College 787 II D R

G. W. N. Elders 1883 St. Louis (college)


Pittsburgh Plate Glass Death Records

Geo. W.N. Elders (as signing physician)


(father of George)

Jefferson Democrat, March 30, 1877

ELDERS.--At his residence in Victoria, Jefferson County, Mo., March 25th, 1877, Jesse ELDERS, in the 65th year of his age. Mr. ELDERS was born in North Carolina, June 11th, 1812, was of Scotch descent, and the last survivor of a very large family of children. In the year 1821, then a youth in his tenth year, he set out in life for himself, left his native State and come with an uncle to Ste. Genevieve Co., Mo., here, though a small boy, he managed by his own efforts to support himself and get a limited education. In 1830, he was married to Elizabeth VANDIVER, of St. Francois Co., and two years afterwards removed from Ste. Genevieve Co., to St. Francois Co., and resided there until 1865. To show the estimation in which he was held as a citizen in those counties we need but mention that he was Justice of the Peace for 30 years; served as coroner of St. Francois Co., one term, and for a number of years previous to his removal from the latter county, he was kept at the head of educational affairs in the community in which he resided. In 1865 he came to Jefferson county and settled in Victoria, in which place he was held in high estimation, as a citizen, character and worth; has been post-master for the past eight years, and served a number of years as chairman of the board of town trustees, as well as president of the board of education. He was married twice. His first wife died in 1869, and in 1871, he was married to Frances JACKSON, of St. Francois county, Mo., who now survives him. By the first union he had three children, the oldest being G.W.N. ELDERS, a graduate of the Missouri Medical College, and one of the leading physicians in the county, the 2d a daughter, the wife of J.W. VINYARD , Esq., the 3d a son, well known in the community in which he resides, as a model young man, and who has been his father's sole reliance in business for a number of years, and by the second union, two children, which are yet but infants. Deceased has been a member of the Baptist Church for 35 years, but was charitable to all churches and towards all objects of real estate. The burial service was conducted by Elder S. FRAZIER, of Hillsboro, Mo. Thus a kind husband, a fond father, and a staunch citizen in the community, has been taken from our midst, but we bow in meekness and submission to the wisdom, of the Father who doeth all things well. W.N.C.

1876 Jefferson Co., MO Historical Atlas
Geo. W.N. Elders, Cedar Hill, Occupation Physician & Merchant, Nativity Ste. Genevieve Co., Mo., came to county in 1864


1880 Jefferson County MO Census, Meramec Township

Geo. W.N. Elders, Physician, Age 38, MO NC VA

Amanda, 31 MO MO MO

Rosa A. 11 MO

Louisa 10 MO

Geo. W.N. 8 MO

William A. 6 MO

May E. 4 MO

Lillian L. 2 MO

Frances C. 2/12 (born March) MO


Jefferson Democrat Jan. 26, 1883

HEMATITE ITEMS - Dr. ELDERS occupies his new office, near the residence of G. BYRD.
From "History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and 
Gasconade Counties", Biographical Appendix, Goodspeed Publishing 
Company, 1888.
G. W. N. Elders, M. D., was born in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., May 11, 1842 and is a son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Vandiver) Elders, of Scotch and German descent, respectively, and natives of America.  He was reared on a farm, where he remained until his nineteenth year, receiving his literary education in the common schools and by private instruction. He enlisted (as G. W. Elders) in Company K, Thirty-fifth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Union army, and served ten months, being discharged on account of disability. In May, 1863 he entered upon the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. E. N. Jennings, of Victoria.  After taking one course of lectures, in 1865-66 he commenced the practice of medicine as an undergraduate, at Cedar Hill, Jefferson County, continuing the same for about six years, after which he attended the Missouri Medical College, at St. Louis, where he graduated in 1872-73.  He removed from Cedar Hill to Hematite in the fall of 1881, where he has since been engaged in active practice.  July 4, 1866 he married Amanda M. Null, who was born August 12, 1849 and is a daughter of John W. Null, Sr. of Jefferson County. To Dr. and Mrs. Elders have been born ten children, nine of whom still live. Nina E. E., born August 7, 1867 died August 26, 1868; Rosa A., born March 24, 1869; Louisa M., born October 3, 1870; George W. N., Jr., born May 31, 1872; William H., born April 2, 1874; Ellena M., born October 5, 1875; Lucy L., born March 8, 1878; Francis C., born April 11, 1880; John W. N., born September 2, 1883; Jessie M., born March 10, 1887.  The Doctor is a member of the A. O. U. W., and he and wife and two eldest daughters are connected with the Christian Church.  In political matters he is a Democrat. He is the owner of three houses and lots in the village in which he resides.  His medical education was acquired by his own exertions, his sole capital being a suit of clothes and $40 in money.  He now enjoys a good practice, and has considerable money drawing interest.
1890 Veterans Schedule
George W. N. Elders, Rank Corporal, Company K, 35th MO Inf.
Enlisted Aug. 13, 1862 Discharged May 26, 1863, One year 9 months 13 days
1900 Jefferson County MO Census, Joachim township
George W Elders 58  Married 34 years
Amanda M Elders 50  Mother of 11, 10 living
May Elders 24  
Francis Elders 20  
John W Elders 16  
Jessie M Elders 13  
Frank Elders 11

Doctor’s Permits to Prescribe Ethyl Alcohol and Wine 1922-33

Jefferson College 790 II D-R

Geo. W. Elders, DeSoto

Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929 about George W. N. Elders

Name:   George W. N. Elders

Birth Date:          1842

Birth Place:         Farmington

Death Date:        4 Jan 1924

Death Place:       Hematite, MO

Type Practice:    Allopath

Practice Specialities:        Hematite, MO, 1873

Licenses:              MO, 1883

Practice Dates Places:     Hematite, MO, 1873

Medical School: Missouri Medical College, St. Louis: McDowell Med. Coll., 1873, (G)

Education:           Common sch., private tutor

Cause Of Death:               nephritis